Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stay safe on-line


1. No social networking site is safe.
Reporting bad people to the police is important. Remember to call law enforcement if threatened.

2. Don't lie about your age.
If you lie about your age, your profile may be deleted without notice.

3. Don't give out your contact information.
Social Networking sites are a public space, including your profile. The whole world can see it. Don't post your phone number, address, IM, or specific whereabouts.

4. People aren't always who they say they are.
A person may appear harmless and actually be very dangerous. They may say they are one age and actually be another. Report dangerous people to the police.

5. Report nudity, harassment, hate speech, and other inappropriate content.
Call the cops if you think anyone is in danger.

6. You can be denied admission to college or a job based on things you put in your profile.
It has happened. Don't let it happen to you. Don't post things that can embarrass you later in a public space like Multiply.

7. Don't get scammed.
Never respond to a piece of spam. Never provide a password unless you are 100% sure you are on the right site.

8. Don't meet people in real life that you only "know" online.
Predators are out there. Don't meet people in real life. If you do decide to meet someone, tell your parents first, meet in a public place, and bring a trusted adult.

9. Sex with an underage person is rape.
It does not matter if that person lied about their age. It's rape and you will go to prison.

10. Report threats to the police.
If you think there is a threat to your or someone else's safety, call 9-1-1, or let your local police know asap. You will not get in trouble for making a report.

11. Dealing with a Cyber Bully?
Being bullied is no fun. Here are some things you can do to make it stop: call the police; delete your profile; document your harassment; don't respond.

12. Create Intricate Passwords.
Use passwords that are at least eight characters long that include at least one number and one character.

Photos: Google Images

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